Thursday, November 14, 2013

Understanding Your Child: Type 6 of 9

In this post, I discuss type 6 of 9
Core Motivation: feel seen;                                                                                         

Action Goal: be everywhere at once

Children strongly influenced by a type 6 core personality are generally likeable, sympathetic children, often perceived as having certain ADD/ADHD characteristics.  They often project a strong sense of not wanting to miss out on any corner of life.  Type 6 children are likely to be misread as feeling over-confident while, in fact, they are experiencing internal anxiety that drives them to seek out both distracting and validating experiences.  

If you are wondering whether a child you know is influenced by a type 6 personality, it may help to ask yourself these questions:

A.     Does the child seem happiest in active, social contexts?

B.     Does the child’s attention remain consistently active, while shifting focus as a matter of course?

C.     Does the child exhibit some signs of anxiety?

D.     Does the child seem adept at eliciting the desired response from peers and grownups?

E.     Does the child express different, conflicting feelings in the span of a day?

All of these statements would be true for most children influenced by a type 6 core personality.  As always, wings influence the core type, so there may be some minor exceptions.  Type 6 children function with a baseline, frenetic energy.  They will generally appear successful and happy, though they are often feeling some sense of anxiety or inadequacy.  If a child in your life is strongly influenced by a type 6 core personality, taking time with nothing on the agenda to be fully present with that child will help to reinforce self-esteem and connection in your relationship.

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