Monday, October 14, 2013

Personality Types Explored: Type 7 of 9

Personality type 7 explored
Core Motivation: feel the high;                                                                          
Action Goal: seek out where thrill can be had in each moment

Type 7 people live in the here and now.  Living for the present, they pursue experiences that yield a high concentration of thrilling or intensely satisfying moments.  Fun is a top a priority for them.  Type 7 people generally choose professions that promise high profile excitement.  Advertising and media, acting, extreme athletics, etc. are industries that attract a high percentage of 7 types.  Being successfully spontaneous comes naturally to them.  Your type 7 friend is the one to invite to a good-time outing.  Type 7 people are generally well meaning, although reliability and honesty are not intrinsically important to them.  The truth of the moment is their focus, and they are comfortable saying or promising whatever feels genuine at the time.  

If you are wondering if someone you know is a type 7, it may help to ask the following questions:
1.   Do they prioritize having a good time?
2.   Do they favor spontaneity over long-term planning?
3.   Are they generally fun to be around?
4.   Do they generally minimize the importance of follow-through?
5.   Do they generally have a ‘live and let live’ attitude?

All of these statements would be true for most 7 types.  As always, wings influence the core type, so there may be minor exceptions.   On a personal level, I think 7 types could be compatible with 2 types, 3 types, and 7 types.  If you have a personal or professional relationship with a type 7 individual, it is important to align your expectations with recognition of type 7 natural tendencies.  Emphasizing opportunities for in-the-moment gratification is likely one of the more effective ways to engage a type 7 person in any kind of joint venture.

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