In this post, I discuss type 9 of 9
Core Motivation:
feel accepted;
Action Goal: find places and ways
to belong
Children strongly influenced by a
type 9 core personality are not easily categorized. They readily change their demeanor to match the expectations
of those around them. Type 9
children are very open to suggestion from both children and adults, especially
when that leads to approval and inclusion. When a type 9 child is subject to an unsupportive environment,
she generally lacks the motivation or ambition required to seek a way out. Children strongly influenced by a type
9 personality are generally eager to please and to be liked.
If you are wondering whether a
child you know is influenced by a type 9 personality, it may help to ask
yourself these questions:
A. Does
the child seem happiest when receiving approval from a social group?
B. Are
the child’s actions and attitude easily influenced by others?
C. Does
the child seem to lack inner direction and a clear sense of their own identity?
D. Does
the child rarely stand up for himself?
All of these statements would be
true for most children influenced by a type 9 core personality. As always, wings influence the core
type, so there may be some minor exceptions. Type 9 children generally ask for little on their own
behalf. Unless persistently
prompted to do so, type 9 children will not tune in to their inner thoughts and
feelings. Unless actively
challenged, the older the child gets, the more likely she is to be drawn into
peer dynamics that are not in her best interest. Gently facilitating exploration of personal hobbies and
interests will support both her development as an empowered, healthy person,
and the relationship between the two of you.